A downloadable game for Windows

Após a fera acordar, as noites não foram mais as mesmas. Moradores estão sumindo e o problema não parece ter solução, as lendas da maldição do castelo de Bran correndo entre os aldeões. Amargurada pela tragédia no convento que servia, buscou forças em derrotar a fera e a mandar de volta ao caixão de uma vez por todas.


After the beast's awakening the nights weren't the same. Villagers are disappearing and the problem doesn't seem to have a solution, as the legends of Bran's Castle curse flowing through the  dwellers. Embittered by the tragedy at the monastery where she used to serve, the heroine searched for strengths to defeat the beast and send it back to its coffin once and for all.

This demo is still in development and any feedback is pretty much appreciated.
Thank you!


Moonlight Hunters Demo.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

Download the file and unzip it to a folder of your linking. Then execute the file "VCGameJam2020.exe".

Thank you! :D


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i like prototype ... and need energy reload in game :D

Yes! We need energy drop from monsters and a checkpoint at the end because of you know what. Haha.

Thank you very much for playing our prototype and this feedback.

You made the team very happy. ^^

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lol :D .. hope full story game :D

Thank you for all feedbacks and believe in your projec